Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thin, Pale Sunshine

Great big tears flood my eyes when I think about my little sister Maria. She is the essence of sweetness and grace. Only nine years old, and on top of the world, Mia does not understand why her body hurts her so when she does nothing to provoke it. Children love my sister. Like a thin ray of sunshine she permeates the rooms she enters with smiles, singing out, “Whoever wants to be in my new game of Bunnies and Puppies can come and play.” The play is rambunctious and happy but it does not last longer than an hour before Mia has to leave. Her heart tells her it is time to quit…time to slow down.
This last week Mia had another surgery on her weak heart. She came home from the hospital thinner than her sheets, pale with the exhaustion of breathing without the machine. Flecks of blood were stained to her neck and I am ashamed to say I shrank at them. Maybe someday when my little star has a new, stronger heart I can look at her and say, “Let’s play Bunnies and Puppies.” And we will play for hours.

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