Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spare the 16 hours

A few years ago I found myself in a psychology classroom surrounded by the nuts of the universe. They riveted my attention to nearly everything. From the cause of my obsession with lampshades to the way I bit my nails until my fingers bled- there was just that: a cause. Honestly, did you know the reason you start to stumble and slur your speech at about three in the morning is due to the fact that every hour you are awake after sixteen hours of consciousness is the same as one shot of whiskey to your body. Spare me the sixteen hours fact and tell me why Pluto is no longer a planet. Who were the idiots that skewed my entire scientific up bringing? Not that I had much science in my system to begin with, but why ruin every kid's rendition of the "planet song" and break the Final Jeopardy question about the Mickey's dog/planet? I realize this kind of issue was something to fight about before now but it just hit me: what difference does it make?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Critical Theory of Life and Literature

You pull the trigger of your pistol, aimed at the man in the yellow hat. You hear a sound, and feel the jerk of the backfire. However, as a critical theorist, how do you know the gun went off? If everything is ambiguous and arbitrary, how on earth are you certain anything happened? Sure, the pistol is one bullet short. Yes, the man is on the ground writhing and screaming in pain. Your friend says, "Nice shot." How does she know the gun went off? All evidence suggests something happened but read Kalages, Lacan, Deridah...the pistol was an arbitrary symbol of Aristotle's second world of perfection. Nothing happened. Twenty to life because of nothing. (MY CONFUSION EXACTLY!!!)